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Sierra Verde STEAM Academy
Home of the Vipers!

Mrs. Copenhaver ~ Math

Welcome to MATH!!!

Welcome to 5th Grade Math!   

~ Math is the BEST! I LOVE Math! Math rocks! Math is cool! Math is fun! Math=AMAZING!~ 

This year students are going to be challenged by learning and mastering the following life-skill concepts:

* Working collaboratively with others 

* Thinking critically

* Problem solving

* Being a responsible citizen

* Demonstrating kindness

* Persevering


These concepts will help students become successful not only in life, but in 5th Grade Math!  


5th Grade Curriculum Framework:

•Write and interpret numerical expressions. • Analyze patterns and relationships between patterns. • Understand place value to the thousandths. • Add, subtract, multiply, divide multi-digit whole numbers and decimals to hundredths. • Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators using equivalency. • Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions. • Convert like measurement units within a given measurement systems. • Represent, interpret, and solve problems with data using a line plot with fraction units • Develop and apply conceptual and procedural understanding of volume. • Graph points on the coordinate plane in first quadrant in and out of a context. • Classify two dimensional figures in a hierarchy into categories based on attributes and properties.


Contact Information

JoLynn Copenhaver
