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Sierra Verde STEAM Academy
Home of the Vipers!

Parking Lot Proceedures

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures


The main parking lot has been re-designed to help the flow of traffic during arrival and dismissal times.  Click here to read about the new procedures.  Below are some school guidelines. 

 *Teachers are on duty for the safety of your children. Please treat them with respect and consideration at all times. We recognize that the arrival and dismissal of over 900 students can and will cause delays, however, for the safety of all students we ask that you comply, without hesitation, with the directions of the school staff at all times.

Bus Lot (Back of School)

1.    Buses pick up and drop off students in the bus turnaround only. Students are not allowed to cross in front of the buses at anytime. No parking is allowed at anytime in this area.

Students and Parents:

  1. Students are not allowed on campus before 8:30 a.m., unless they are going to breakfast,  tutoring, a club meeting, chorus or band. Students may enter through the green double doors by the Multipurpose room, not the front office.
  2. Skateboards, roller skates, scooters, skate shoes, and rollerblades are not allowed on campus at any time. This includes the bike racks. 
  3. Students are to stay on sidewalks at all times. The only exception is if parents park in the parking lot and escort their child(ren) into the school. The crosswalk must be used in this situation. Bicycles must be walked on sidewalks until they are completely off of campus and through the crosswalks. Students are not to be dropped off in the parking area. Students should never be dropped off in the staff parking lot located in the back of the school.
  4. Students should have their backpacks ready to enter and exit the car.
  5. For everyone’s safety – Please no cell phone use in the parking lot.


If your child requires assistance loading or unloading their belongings, please park in the parking lot. The pick up/drop off lane should be used for students who are able to load themselves into the car quickly without assistance.

Please do not allow your children to cross between cars at any time. This is extremely dangerous.